Dental Square connects patients with top local dentists through affordable exams and treatment options, empowering informed decisions.
Founded by a dentist and entrepreneur, our platform addresses both patient and dentist needs.
To prove demand, we offer $150-$250 exams for just $25, making dental care accessible and transparent.
Our mission is to transform dental visits with comfort and choice nationwide.
We’re a startup redefining dental care by empowering patients with knowledge before visiting a dentist. If patients value this approach, we aim to expand to more regions.
If you are over 18 and possess a valid U.S. ID, you are eligible to schedule an appointment for a $25 dental exam.
We’re not earning a profit yet—each exam costs us $100-$200. Currently, we’re building demand for affordable exams and multiple quotes to empower patients. Once validated, we’ll transition into a marketplace like Airbnb or Uber.
Dental Square isn’t a dental practice but a marketplace connecting patients with doctors. Sponsors like J Park Dental and Glow Dental support our mission. After receiving quotes online and selecting a doctor, each dental office will provide specific details of the quotes, as insurance requirements may vary by practice.
To maintain fairness in the quoting process, Dr. Park won’t provide quotes during the exam. Afterward, quotes from Dr. Park, her associates, will also include quotes, along with other participating dentists.
Patients without insurance will likely benefit most (fee-for-service), while those with PPO can save on co-pays. We exclude HMO dentists to focus on quality, as PPO typically offers higher reimbursements, leading to better care.
Our goal is to connect top dentists with new patients, empower patients with knowledge, and help fill empty appointment slots, potentially with discounted rates.
You must be at least 18 years old, have a valid U.S. ID, email and phone number.